The Sacred Chakana Wisdom from the Andes Mountains

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The Sacred Chakana

Wisdom from the Andes Mountains of Peru

Beginning on January 14, 2012.

Introductory Classes $20:

October 22, 2011 2pm at Off the Beaten Path 

15 Boonton Ave Butler, NJ 07405









November 9, 2011 7pm. And November 12, 2011 10 am at Bellewood Wellness Center


511 County Road 614, Pattenburg (Asbury), NJ 08802


Imagine…  being part of the solution and changing your life in the process.

Now is the time — for human beings to once again become close to the Earth that has given us so much through out our lives.

Now is the time — to re-awaken YOUR body and spirit to the energies all around that indigenous peoples have known of for thousands of years.

Now is the time — for YOU and all of us to become part of the solutions not part of the problems of our world today.

Through this work you will be able to learn to live with Mother Earth, letting go of the past and living simply, joyfully in the present moment.  Through energetic healing work/ceremony and reciprocity (Ayni) projects you will not only bring healing to your own life, but also spread it out to your local and global communities.

Indigenous peoples all over the world share common stories of this highly important, energetically charged time that is here now.  It is time for us to remember our oneness to all our brothers/sisters and our Mother Earth.  Together we can raise the energetic vibration within ourselves and the Mother Earth, helping to bring much needed change.

The Sacred Chakana is the key to the Andean ways.  Each step along its perimeter, as well as the four corners and the center, embodies a principle of Andean spirituality.  The ritual specialists (Pakkokuna) of the Andes Mountains in Peru have practiced these ways for thousands of years, celebrating the Mother Earth through ceremony that has been passed down from generation to generation.  Their teachings can help you to awaken to the energies of the Earth and teach you to listen to the guidance deep within.  Join Pat Miller of the Healing Earth to learn about the cosmology and spirituality of the Andean people.  This yearlong program meets once a month, for a full day and will introduce you to the Sacred Chakana — the basic principles of the Andean way.   In order to join this program you must attend one of the introductory evenings.   Through teachings, ritual and journey work you will learn about the basic principles embodied within the Chakana.  Once you have tasted the healing energies of Peru, you may decide if you wish to register for the full-year program.

When you register for the program you are committing to completing the year with the community that forms for the series.  This series is also available for private groups of four or more people.

Pre-registration is requested for the introductory evening.

A donation of $20 is suggested for the introductory evening. 

Cost for the remaining 12 days is $100 per workshop/project day ($1200 total).

Money collected for the project days will go to fund the project that we as a community chose, and a percentage of the other workshop days will also be used for the Ayni projects.



Payments may be made by cash, check, money order or Paypal (payable to The Healing Earth)

Please mail registrations to: Pat Miller, 12 Northwood Dr. High Bridge, NJ 08829

The workshop is being held at the Bellewood Wellness Center

511 County Road 614, Pattenburg (Asbury), NJ 08802

Upon registration directions will be emailed to you.

Payment arrangements may be made if needed, please contact me for details.  I will try to work with everyone so they may be part of this work.

What others have said about Pat’s work:

“Dearest Pat.  This has been such a mystical & magical trip (to Peru) full of wonderful miracles.  I have really enjoyed going on this spiritual journey with you.  Peru is such a magnificent place and we had so many special moments & opportunities along the way.  All went, as it should.  Thank you so much for this experience.  I will treasure it forever!

Love, Barbara xo

“Pat Miller has been a serious practitioner of Peruvian Shamanism for nearly a decade and a practitioner of healing arts for much longer.  Her knowledge, understanding, and compassion cannot be measured.  This is a person I am proud to know.”

— Mace Gill 

“In working with Pat I have been awed by her deep wisdom and compassion. She consistently supports my growth through her passion and groundedness.   Her gifts to the world are enormous.  She has been a wonderful blessing in my life.  Thank you very much Pat for all that you do to help humanity.” 

Hugs, Meira Findel

“Pat is a talented healer who is deeply concerned with the well being of her clients.  Her kind and gentle manner puts her clients immediately at ease, enabling them to ground and center themselves.  With a true passion for her vocation, Pat works with integrity to help her clients restore natural balance in their lives.  It’s been my honor and privilege to work with Pat over the years.  She is truly a gifted and loving spirit.” 

— Donna Juzva