Primal Fitness

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Unleash your PASSION through Primal Movement exercise.

Tired of the same old exercise classes & going nowhere on the treadmill?

Put Passion back into your workouts and actually enjoy exercie!!!

Let the music move your body and stir your soul you may find moves you never knew you had!

Primal Movement Exercise brings Passion to fitness and creates fun and energetic exercise that helps to bring your primal self, your energetic core right out strengthening the body, as well as the spirit!

Click here to see Zumba on the Today Show!

Zumba® fitness brings the passion of Latin rhythms, the primal dance of africa and the sensual movement of bellydance together in an easy to follow way that creates a dynamic fitness program that will blow you away.  Achieve long term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life!

Pat Miller of Primal Fitness.

Classes now available!!


Call for more information.


Invite the Healing Earth & Primal Fitness to your Next Party!

Gather together a few friends and have a party in your home!!

Chose to host a party with:

Zumba, Readings, Energetic Healing, On-site Massage & Sacred Ceremony.

Customize your package for your next:

Birthday party

Bridal Shower

Corporate Meeting


Week-end Retreat Packages available.  Can include full-table massage services.

Call to discuss your event today!

 So just how did I come to love & teach ZUMBA???

And what has all this got to do with energetic healing work anyway???

I'd like to share a little of my story with you.  I've always had a difficult time staying at a healthy weight.  I never did find myself really motivated to follow any kind of steady exercise and eating plan and get the job done.  Does this sound familiar??

Well back in 2007, things changed.

I had a goal.  I would be traveling to Peru to work with the Shaman and Elders of the Q'ero people, a native tribe of Peru.  I would be finding myself at altitudes of 11,000 to 14,000 feet high in the Andes Mountains.  I knew I had to do something.......What as an over 200 pound flat-lander like myself going to do up there??

At that time I started to really watch what I was eating and started to go to a gym.  I lost about 30 lbs in 3 months.  I was on my way.  I had an amazing trip and know that although I still would have done it, getting at least a little in shape was a BIG help!  I started to know that who we are at the energetic has to be reflected in the physical body, by getting it into shape to become a strong vessel to carry our spirit.

Well with that goal crept back in and I regained a few of the pounds.

Flash forward to October 2008, just returning from a 3 week journey into the Jungle areas of Peru and to Machu Picchu I found myself once again back at the gym, knowing that I needed to do this for my health.  The Jungle's guidance was clear that I had to get back my physical body and bring who and what I am in the core out to the physical body.

As "co-incidence" happens, I discovered Zumba.  A latin dance exercise class that was exactly what I needed.  It was fun, my body and spirit danced to the music and as a body is starting to shrink once again!  Since the middle of October 2008 I have lost OVER 20 inches!  AND, since the start of all of this back in 2007 I have lost over 60 pounds!!  The pulse and energy of Zumba really has helped to bring all that I am on the inside out for all to see and know that passionate vibrant woman that I had hiden so long on the inside.

I've become so passionate about bringing this to everyone that I decided to become certified to teach Zumba.  I feel that the energy and life of Zumba and what I have come to know through working with the Elders in Peru about really being who and what we are from the core of our beings all the way out to the physical body is so vital to us all finding Ayni (perfect relationship) with ourselves. 

It is so important that we work both at the energetic level of our being and at the physical level so that we create lasting wellness bringing this to oneness.  No separation of who we are on the inside and who we are on the outside.

Currently I am certified and teaching regualr Zumba, Zumba Aqua & Zumba Gold.

Come and join me and see what it's all about!!!