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Links to Friends of the Healing Earth & Primal Fitness

The following is a list useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send me an e-mail.

Treat yourself to books, movies, music and more, through our Amazon based book shop.
Everything Amazon has to offer at your finger tips featuring your favorite New Age & Spiritual book titles.

One Step Accounting 

A Single Mother and Accountant Aims to Create a New Revolution for Independence: The Freedom to Think and Grow Rich One Thought and One Step at a Time.

Meira Findel has a vision and is taking action to revolutionize the way we all think about abundance, prosperity and wealth so we can become liberated financially from the "old world" thinking.

The Zumba® program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life!

Search Engines

Off the Beaten Path is a metaphysical, Interfaith, New Age store specializing in Wicca that is dedicated to serving the devotional needs of the community. Our goal is to provide a place where all people can shop for their religious and metaphysical needs in a prejudice-free environment comfortable in the knowledge that their beliefs are respected. Our varied religious backgrounds, spiritual paths, and training - both religious and metaphysical, provide us with a unique insight. 

Shoes for fitness is a wonderful site for all your fitness shoe needs.

Use this promo code for 10% off your orders:  FITPM4



With over half a million sites, divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
Have Fun!