The Journey of the Three Worlds

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The Journey Begins...

00dcˇÿˇ‡JFIFHHˇ˛S&Q Technology Co., LTD. V01 The Journey of the Three Worlds

The Journey begins December 8 – 11, 2011

Imagine  - How it would be for you to live in the present, free from tired old beliefs, your past and all of the things that just don’t seem to work anymore.


Imagine - If you could access a place deep within where you can make the changes that create your life in the present each and every moment. 

The Medicine people of the world’s Indigenous tribes have many things in common.  Those known to us as “Shaman” travel between the “Three Worlds” to create change here in the present.  How would it be for you to be a part of this change both within and in your community?  In the mountains of Peru the indigenous people, the descendants of the Inka, have a similar way that they have practiced for thousands of years.  The Pakkokuna (ritual specialists) of the Andes have known for generations that deep and profound healing can come through the Three Worlds in which we exist simultaneously.  Join Pat Miller of The Healing Earth to bring that deep and profound healing into your life.  The Journey of the Three Worlds will help you to shed what has become embedded in your energetic body, creating a clean, clear center of self where you make conscious choices of what your life is to be.

The Lower World (Ukupacha) is the place where our past and our ancestors reside.  Heavy energies or Huacha is the dense energy of life events, beliefs, emotions and more that have piled up within our energetic bodies.  Through ceremony with the Mother Serpent (Sachamama) we can learn to shed those things that we no longer need, keeping the lessons we have learned.  Now, making the conscious choice about how these things impact us going forward.


The Middle World (Kaypacha) is the place where we live toady, the physical world.  Here we look to our present day world to see what is out of balance.  We learn where we have stepped away from our responsibility/accountability to our personal power/gifts. At the time we chose to be born into this world, the Sacred Ones of Light bestowed these gifts upon us.  Throughout life there were times when we have either refused to step in and acknowledge them or we have abused the gifts given us.  Here we will work with the power of the Puma to understand/embody our gifts and learn to listen to the guidance given us by the Sacred Ones.

The Upper World (Hanaqpacha) is the place of the Sacred Ones of Light.  We learn from them and receive their guidance everyday, if we will but listen.  Through the perceptions of Condor we come to know how to access this world and see from a higher prospective.  This allows us to rise above our emotions, beliefs and the dramas that can cloud our vision.

Ø      This workshop series will meet for four WEEKENDS over the course of approximately one year, meeting once every three to four months.  

Ø      Once the Ayllu (group/community) has formed, the workshop will be closed to new participants.  By joining this workshop series, you make the commitment to yourself and your Ayllu to complete the journey together, completing all four weekends.

Ø      Each of these workshops will begin on a Thursday evening at 7pm and end on Sunday afternoon.

Ø      The workshop fee includes lodging, vegetarian food and all workshop activities.

Pre-registration is required with a $100 deposit no later than six weeks prior to the first workshop.

The cost for this workshop series is $400 per workshop weekend (total $1600). 

Payment in full is to be made two weeks prior to each workshop.

Pay for all four workshops up front and save $200!!!

Payments may be made by cash, check, money order or Paypal

Make checks payable to Patricia Miller and mail with your registration to: 12 Northwood Dr. High Bridge, NJ 08829.

A packing list and directions to the workshop facility will be e-mailed to you upon receipt of your registration. 

Payment arrangements may be made if needed, please contact Pat for details.

“Dearest Pat.  This has been such a mystical & magical trip (to Peru) full of wonderful miracles.  I have really enjoyed going on this spiritual journey with you.  Peru is such a magnificent place and we had so many special moments & opportunities along the way.  All went as it should.  Thank you so much for this experience.  I will treasure it forever!

Love, Barbara xo

“Pat Miller has been a serious practitioner of Peruvian Shamanism for nearly a decade and a practitioner of healing arts for much longer.  Her knowledge, understanding, and compassion cannot be measured.  This is a person I am proud to know.”

 — Mace Gill

“In working with Pat I have been awed by her deep wisdom and compassion. She consistently supports my growth through her passion and groundedness.  Her gifts to the world are enormous.  She has been a wonderful blessing in my life.  Thank you very much, Pat, for all that you do to help humanity.” 

Hugs, Meira Findel

“Pat is a talented healer who is deeply concerned with the well-being of her clients.  Her kind and gentle manner puts her clients immediately at ease, enabling them to ground and center themselves.  With a true passion for her vocation, Pat works with integrity to help her clients restore natural balance in their lives.  It’s been my honor and privilege to work with Pat over the years.  She is truly a gifted and loving spirit.” 

— Donna Juzva